
One on One

What kind of results will I achieve?

Identify the obstacles in your life
Find direction & clarity
Reshape daily habits
Create your unique flow to daily living
Master the tools to deal with overwhelm & anxiety


This is the heart of my business, really getting to know someone and helping them, one on one, to achieve their goals. Your goals can be big or small, something you have been striving for but perhaps keep running into hurdles along the way. Or maybe you’re not sure what your goals really are. You may just feel lost and don’t know which direction to take next. I can help with all of this…

A goal without a plan is just a wish.


what to expect

To see a new light within and around you. Together we will develop new paths, new self awareness and clarity. You will understand how to create goals with achievable steps and create more space in your life for love, relationships and fun. Get ready for a feeling of release as we awaken your inner Tigeress.

what I need from you

To be honest and open minded - I am here to nurture and support you. With commitment and trust we will work through the things in your life you want to change. It’s all about practice and taking your time.


You can book online or give me a call if you have any further questions. Once you have booked in you will be sent a confirmation email and pre-questionnaire.


1 x One on One Consult - $120
One 55 minute session, personality profile, Tigeress tools for success, & focus work

Clarity Pack: 3 x One on One Consults - $320
Three x 55 minute sessions, personality profile, Tigeress tools for success, focus work, goal setting

You’ve Got This: 10 x One on One Consults - $1000
Ten x 55 minute sessions, personality profile, Tigeress tools for success, focus work, goal masterclass - set and complete goal within 10 sessions with complete ongoing support throughout the journey.